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Faculty Members

Michael Anderson
Rotman Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Science, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Theoretical and computational neuroscience

Daniel Ansari
Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science & Faculty of Education, Western University (Canada Research Chair in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience)Research Interests / Specializations: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Education, Human Development, Science of Learning

Elena Antonacopoulou
Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Ivey Business School, Faculty of Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Social complexity, dynamics of learning practice, connectivity through inter-be-ing (symplegmatic theory in advancing CAS)

Firouz Badrkhani Ajaei
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Protection and control of power systems with focus on microgrids, renewable energy systems, and High-Voltage Direct-Current (HVDC) power transmission systems

Laurel Austin
Adjunct Research Professor, Ivey School of Business, Management Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Risk management; Strategic Risk Management; Decision making; Risk Perception; Risk Communication

Robert Austin
Professor, Ivey Business School, Information Systems, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Creative industries, innovation, information technology

Tima Bansal
Professor, General Management, Sustainability & Strategy, Ivey Business School, Western University (Canada Research Chair in Business Sustainability)Research Interests / Specializations: Resilience in organizations; Systems thinking in business

Pauline Barmby
Professor, Physics & Astronomy, Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Observational astrophysics: multi-wavelength studies of nearby galaxies

Mehmet A. Begen
Associate Professor, Management Science, Ivey Business School, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Management science/analytics applications, data-driven approaches, scheduling and operations management in healthcare

Mia Biondi
NP-PHC, Adjunct Research Professor, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Health Sciences, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: HIV prevention, viral hepatitis, special populations

Pamela Block
Professor, Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My research focuses on “disability culture” and cultural perceptions of disability in the United States, Brazil and Canada. I study disability experience on individual, organizational and community levels, focusing on socio-environmental barriers, empowerment/capacity-building, and health promotion. My qualitative research methodologies combine historical and discourse analyses with community-based ethnographic and participatory approaches. I am particularly interested in multiple marginalization and the intersections of gender, race, poverty, and disability in movements for disability liberation (justice and rights) and disability oppression (eugenics, sterilization, mass-incarceration and killing in Brazil, the United States and Canada. Finally, I engage actively in discussions of the emergence of neurodivergence and disability studies in Brazil and other Global South Countries.

Jan Cami
Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: The formation and evolution of large molecules and dust grains in space and the interaction with their environment.

Chios Carmody
Associate Professor & Canadian National Director, Canada-United States Law Institute, Faculty of Law, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Chios' research interests focus on the fields of international law, international organizations, private law (contract/tort/restitution) and justice. His current work focuses on identifying the way in which legal systems constitute complex adaptive systems aimed at attaining justice. He is pursuing this topic by developing a theory of the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO), a "system of ideas" which might serve as the basis for a general theory of law.

Mark Cleveland
Dancap Private Equity Chair of Consumer Behavior, DAN Department of Management and Organizational Studies, Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Dr. Cleveland’s research interests are interdisciplinary, spanning marketing, consumer behavior, and social psychology. His research has a special focus on cross-cultural consumer behavior; globalization, ethnic/social identity and acculturation; mixed ethnicity; culture and decision-making; cosmopolitanism, materialism and consumer ethnocentrism; international market segmentation; services marketing, green marketing, gift-giving, advertising, psychometrics and scale development, as well as branding and internet shopping behavior.

Jeremy Colangelo
Lecturer, Writing, Department of English, French, and Writing, King's College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Modernist literature, disability, epistemology, James Joyce

Sayra Cristancho
Associate Professor, Surgery / Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Centre for Education Research & Innovation, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My research program overall looks at the processes of team adaptation in unexpected, acute and high-stakes situations. Up to now, my research has taken place in clinical contexts including trauma teams, surgical teams, intensive care teams, etc. As my research is informed by systems theories, including swarm intelligence, that have been applied in other contexts and very nascent in healthcare, I am currently interested in learning from teams who are required to perform in complex environments, such as SWAT teams, earth and space exploration teams and high-stakes business teams.

Matt Davison
Professor, Statistical & Actuarial Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My doctoral research (Applied Mathematics; Western; 1993-1995) was in the area of chaotic dynamics and my postdoctoral research (Physiology; University of Bern; 1995-1997) was in the area of complexity theory as applied to biological and social systems. I actively published in this area until the early 2000s but since then have been more focused on my work in real options analysis of energy systems and in financial risk management. I am still interested in looking at the world through a complex adaptive systems lens, particularly in my role as an academic leader at Western, where I have served as Dean of Science since 2018.

Jonathan De Souza
Associate Professor, Music Research & Composition, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My research explores music, embodiment, and technology, combining music theory with cognitive science and philosophy. At present, I'm particularly interested in musical ensembles. In piano duos, rock bands, or orchestras with more than a hundred players, musicians coordinate their actions and the sounds they produce. How do ensemble members communicate and respond to each other, gesturally or sonically? What technologies, techniques, or musical features facilitate such interactions? I'm using various tools to investigate these questions, including social network analysis.

Isha DeCoito
Associate Professor, Curriculum & Instruction, Faculty of Education/Institute for Earth and Space Exploration, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Research Internets / Specializations: STEMM Education (outreach, gender, diversity, teacher education; professional development, student engagement, career aspirations; 21st century learning skills); Engineering Education (program and curriculum development, improving access and equitable opportunities); Technology Enhanced Learning (eLearning, blended learning, gamification, timelines, etc.); Nature of Science and Engineering; Medical Education (program and curriculum development); Case studies; Project Based Learning; Improving educational attainment amongst Indigenous youth

Christopher DeGroot
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Urban sustainability; Photosynthetic carbon capture; Sewer infrastructure; Building energy efficiency; Water/wastewater treatment

Nick Dyer-Witheford
Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western OntarioResearch Interests / Specializations: Relation of CAS to Marxist theory and issues of social power and conflict

Christopher Essex
Professor, Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Nonlinear dynamics and applications

Kane Faucher
Assistant Professor, Media, Information and Technoculture, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Political Economy of Information and Data; Online Social Capital; Algorithms and Social Behaviour; Strategic Planning (Public Sector); Trilobites / Invertebrate Paleontology

Aaron Fenster
Professor, Medical Biophysics, Schulich, Western University, Robarts Research InstituteResearch Interests / Specializations: Medical imaging

Jerzy M Floryan
Professor, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Fluid mechanics

Paul Frewen
Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Psychology, Schulich Medicine and Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Self Psychology, Trauma Psychology, Consciousness, Meditation, Neuroimaging, Neurofeedback, Non-invasive Brain Stimulation

Michael Friesen
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Information visualization, management, and transfer; design; music; teaching and learning -- and any work that integrates these fields

Rishi Ganesan
Assistant Professor, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Paediatrics, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Paediatric Critical Care, Physiological and pathological states in critical illness, Behavioral States, Neurocognitive States

Jessica Grahn
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences & Brain and Mind Institute, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Rhythm, timing, neuroimaging, music, Parkinson's disease

Jury Gualandris
Assistant Professor, Operations Management and Sustainability, Ivey Business School, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Environmental and Social Sustainability Integration in complex supply networks, and its implications for competitiveness; How Supply Network Structure forms from (Responsible) Action and How (Responsible) Action flows from Supply Chain Structure; Sustainable Sourcing; Circular Economies and Circular Supply Networks

Kathleen Hill
Associate Professor, Biology, Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Mutagenesis, genetic diversity, genome classification, machine learning, data analytics, genome organization, genome evolution

Jonathan Histon
Assistant Professor (Limited Duties), Management and Organizational Studies, Faculty of Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Complex adaptive transportation systems, particularly the human element in airplane cockpits and air traffic control

Anders Holm
Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Social network analysis, large data sets

Bill Irwin
Associate Professor, Management and Organizational Studies Departmment, Facaulty of Arts and Social Science, Huron University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Bill Wrin's research interests centers on issues of policy, leadership, and community engagement. He is interested in exploring models of program and policy evaluation focused on qualitative evaluation and on outcome and impact analysis; with principal interest focused on the interplay between institutions and community.

Hina Kalyal
Lecturer, School of Management, Economics and Mathematics, King's University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Organizational change and development in the public sector

Michael Katchabaw
Associate Professor, Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Game development; Adaptive gameplay; Virtual / augmented reality; Interactive simulations

Gregory Kopp
Professor, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Wind engineering; climate change

Anita Kothari
Associate Professor, School of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Knowledge translation, integrated knowledge translation, public health systems and services

Katherine Lawless
Assistant Professor, Centre for Global Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Huron University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Cultural memory, globalization, environment, the commons, preservation/conservation, soil cultures, Western scientific and Indigenous knowledges, community-engaged research and teaching

Deishin Lee
Associate Professor, Operations Management & Sustainability Ivey Business School, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Sustainable operations, supply chain management, regional resilience

Wonkyong (Beth) Lee
Assistant Professor, DAN department of Management and Organizational Studies, Faculty of Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My research interests largely pertain to transformative consumer research (TCR), which focuses on significant social challenges (e.g., materialism, addiction, and at-risk consumers) in modern marketplaces and is aimed at informing policy and improving consumer welfare and quality of life globally. More specifically, my research interests have largely pertained to TCR by focusing on addictive consumption such as smoking, social marketing (especially marketing communications), and the policy environment.

Alan Leschied
Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Faculty of Education, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Trauma informed care in CAS and Child an Youth Mental Health

Zoe Lindo
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Research in my lab broadly focuses on biodiversity and ecosystem function relationships using soil systems as models. Soils contain the majority of the world’s biodiversity and perform critical functions such as nutrient cycling and carbon storage. To link biodiversity to ecosystem function we use energetic food web models and assessments of ecosystem stability. My empirical work explores how these relationships change under climate warming and other global change factors.

Rogemar Mamon
Professor, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Actuarial modelling; financial risk management and sustainability in agriculture and aquaculture; environmental derivatives and conservation management; stochastic processes and statistical inference

Tara Mantler
Assistant Professor, School of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Intimate partner violence, maternal and child health, health equity, and rurality

Gerald McKinley
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine/Public Health, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Adolescent marginalization and health, Indigenous Relationship-based Research, Performance and Community-Based Knowledge Translation.

Sarah McLean
Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Active learning, student self-efficacy, homelessness in London

Darren Meister
Associate Professor, Ivey & Thompson Centre (Engineering), Ivey & Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Adoption of new technologies, early stage product introduction, founding teams, design thinking

Joseph Michalski
Professor, Sociology, Social Sciences, King's University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Dr. Michalski has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Virginia and has worked with Dr. Gregg Henriques to facilitate the integration of sociological and psychological reasoning as part of the Tree of Knowledge system. His main intellectual interest involves the development of integrated theories of human social behavior rooted in the combination of social, cultural, and psychological determinants.

Wren Montgomery
Assistant Professor, Sustainability & General Management, Ivey Business School, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Organization & Institutional Theory, Corporate Sustainability, Social and Environmental Organizing, Social Justice, Institutional Renewal, Water Crises & Justice, Regenerative Agriculture, Greenwashing, Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship.

Immaculate Namukasa
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Dr. Namukasa’s current research interests lie in mathematics teacher education and professional development, integration of technology and computational thinking in mathematics education, mathematics learning tools, resources and activities, and curriculum and pedagogical reforms. Her past research includes: problem solving and its role among learners and teachers; theoretical discussions on use of virtual or concrete teaching materials; and the role schooling, specifically school mathematics plays in globalization. Dr. Namukasa has produced video resources on math-for-teaching through problem solving in which Ontario teachers are featured. She has also collaboratively produced knowledge mobilization products.

Andrew Nelson
Professor and Chair, Anthropology, Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Interactions of human biology and culture and how both change over time in response to environmental and social forces in ancient (archaeological) societies

Richard Neufeld
Professor (Emeritus); Adjunct Research Professor, Psychology; Psychiatry; Neuroscience Program, Social Science; Medicine; Inter-departmental (Neuroscience Program), Western University; University of British Columbia, Okanagan (Adjunct Professor)Research Interests / Specializations: Nonlinear dynamical systems, and game-theoretic modeling of psychological stress and coping; Stochastic modeling of cognitive abnormality in psychopathology; Stochastic modeling of cognitive functions in clinical functional neuroimaging.

Lana Palaniyappan
Professor of Psychiatry, Robarts Research Institute, Schulich School of Medicine, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Psychosis, Depression

Rajni Patel
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Western University; Director of Engineering, Canadian Surgical Technologies and Advanced Robotics (CSTAR), LHSCResearch Interests / Specializations: Robotics, Haptics, Teleoperation and AI; Applications in Surgery, Therapy and Movement Disorders

Ileana Paul
Associate Professor, French Studies / Interfaculty Program in Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Linguistics, syntax, structure of Malagasy, dialectal variation

Hassan Peerhossaini
Professor & Western Research Chair in Urban Resilience and Sustainability, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Urban dynamical systems; Urban climate change adaptation; Urban resilience and sustainability; Nonlinear systems and transition to chaos; Active fluids; Bacterial physics in complex environments

Tamie Poepping
Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy, Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Studying flow in vivo and in life-size models to reveal fluid mechanics related to disease development, and recreating critical environments in microfluidic ‘lab-on-a-chip’ devices to elucidate the corresponding cellular mechanobiology.

Jeff Preston
Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Programs, Disability Studies, King's University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Social media, digital culture, universal design

Aaron Price
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Smart Material Actuators and Sensors, Mechatronic Systems for Industrial Automation and Biomedical Applications, Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Conductive Electroactive Polymers and Composites, Magnetic and Thermal Shape Memory Materials, Advanced Biomedical Technologies for Better Health

Mazi Raz
Director of Learning Strategy & Assistant Professor, The Ivey Academy, Ivey Business School, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Ecologies of learning, ideological thinkways, critical systems thinking, foresight, forecraft and future-making in (and by) organizations

Felipe Rodrigues
Assistant Professor, School of Management, Economics and Mathematics at King's, Anaytics & Decision Sciences, Management & Organizational Studies, King's University College at Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Healthcare Management Science, Queuing networks, Discrete Event Simulation, Queuing games, Healthcare Operations Management, Health systems capacity planning, ICU patient flow, ICU length-of-stay predictions, ICU patient outcome predictions, Machine learning for ICU capacity planning

Peter Rogan
Professor, Biochemistry (and Oncology), Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University (Canada Research Chair in Genome Bioinformatics)Research Interests / Specializations: Cancer chemotherapy responses, genomic analysis, information theory, machine learning, geostatistical analysis

Jane Sanders
Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, King's University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Expanded Forms of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) the Impact on Educational Outcomes, School and Community Violence, Exclusionary Discipline (Suspension and Expulsion), Trauma and Trauma-informed Care, Trauma-Informed Education, Intersectionality, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Critical Self-Reflection, Student School Relationships, Social Work Education, Field Education, Education through Simulation, Bullying and Cyberbullying, Information and Communication Technologies in Clinical Practice, Family Involvement in Treatment

Patrick Schmidt
Professor, Music Education, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Arts and education policy, urban education, diversity and equity in arts

Susan Scollie
Professor, National Centre for Audiology / Communication Sciences and Disorders, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Audiology, hearing aids including signal processing, evidence-based practice, simulation in education

Robert Shcherbakov
Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My research interests are concerned with the studies of open non-linear dynamical and stochastic systems. Topics I am currently interested in are: earthquake physics and statistics; temporal and spatial scaling properties of earthquakes and aftershocks; earthquake hazard assessment and forecasting; applications of continuum mechanics to fracture processes in solids, rocks, and the earth crust; self-organized critical behaviour in non-linear dissipative complex systems.

Nafiz Shuva
Assistant Professor (Limited Duties), Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Information behaviour; immigrants; public libraries; health information seeking; culturally situated information behaviour; open access; public libraries; reading practices

Shannon Sibbald
Assistant Professor, Health Studies /and+ Family Medicine (SSMD), Health Sciences /and+ SSMD, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Interdisciplinary Health and Health Systems Research; Combining the methods and theories from a variety of disciplines to create innovative solutions to health systems challenges; Implementation Science; How teams access, share, store and use knowledge; Interprofessional Teams; How high performing health care teams work; How current education and training can prepare students for interprofessional work; Patient-centred models of care for chronic disease management

Slobodan Simonovic
Professor Emeritus amd Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Professor Slobodan Simonovic has made seminal contributions to the development of systems engineering approaches to the planning, designing and managing of complex water resources systems in the search for sustainable and robust physical and societal solutions, based on stakeholders’ value systems and ethical principles. He has utilized probabilistic and fuzzy simulation and optimization for addressing subjective and objective uncertainties in managing water resources systems. Moreover, Dr. Simonovic has contributed to the solution of complex reservoir operations problems; developed effective flood management measures; improved assessment of climate change impacts on local scales; and developed decision support for integrated water resources management.

Sandra Smeltzer
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Research, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Community engaged learning; Ethical experiential learning; Critical communications / media studies

David Smith
Associate Professor, Biology, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Genome evolution and comparative genomics with a strong focus on eukaryotic microbes and their organelle genomes (e.g., mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes).

Maxwell Smith
Assistant Professor, School of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Public health ethics, bioethics, health policy

Tracy Smith-Carrier
Associate Professor, Social Work, King’s University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Wealth distribution, political parties, income and social services systems

Aaron So
Assistant Professor, Medical Biophysics, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Development and clinical translation of advanced computed tomography technology for blood flow modelling in cardiovascular system

Matthew Sooy
Assistant Professor, Managerial Accounting and Control, Ivey Business School, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Financial markets, Financial market bubbles & crashes

Elizabeth Steyn
Cassels Brock Fellow & Assistant Professor in Mining & Finance Law, Faculty of Law, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Natural resources; mining law; sustainability; Indigenous issues; deep ocean mining; space mining; corporate social responsibility; transnational corporate actors

Jay Stock
Professor, Department Of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Human adaptability, bioarchaeology, skeletal biology, phenotypic plasticity, human variation, growth and development, evolutionary ecology, biomechanics and behaviour, allometry, hunter-gatherers, the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, the origins of agriculture.

Shelley Taylor
Professor, Applied Linguistics & Interfaculty Program in Linguistics, Faculty of Education, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Applied linguistics/TESOL, FSL & multilingualism; complexity theory in relation to plurilingualism; minority languages; bilingual education internationally, MLE (Nepal & India) & EMI (Nordic countries)

Graham Thompson
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: My lab studies the biological basis of insect social behaviour; how it evolves, how it is maintained and why some species are social while others are not. My lab uses natural history information from insects, the theory of social evolution and state-of-the-art gene technology imported from the medical sciences to discover how molecules influence the evolution and expression of social traits.

Paul F. Tremblay
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Social Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Research design, statistical modeling, and psychometrics in psychology and overlapping disciplines. In particular, I teach and conduct research in structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, longitudinal modeling, and item response theory. In multilevel modeling, one exciting contemporary problem is how to model emergence in team performance. Within psychology, I am interested in broad frameworks that take into account cognition, affect (including interoception), and volition, and most of my research has focused on individual differences in academic motivation, aggressive dispositions, and mental health.

William Turkel
Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Social ScienceResearch Interests / Specializations: Computational History; History of Science and Technology

Joseph Turnbull
Assistant Professor, School of Management, Economics, and Mathematics, King's University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Strongly-correlated quantum many-body systems; adaptive learning

Sree Ram Valluri
Research Adjunct Professor, Physics & Astronomy, Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (Ising Model, Gravitational Waves, Nonlinear Differential Equations)

Liliani A C Vieira
Assistant Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Dental Education / Paediatric Dentistry / Healthy Science

Stephen Van Hedger
Assistant Professor, Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Huron University College, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Speech perception; Music perception; Perceptual plasticity; Absolute pitch; Pattern recognition; Category learning; Cognitive modeling; Memory consolidation

Brennan Vogel
Assistant Professor (Teaching Faculty), Centre for Environment and Sustainability, Department of Geography, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Municipal climate change adaptation; multi-level governance; adaptive capacity building; green finance; resiliency

Boyu Wang
Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Machine learning, artificial intelligence

Nadine Wathen
Professor, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, School of Nursing, Education, Western University (Canada Research Chair, Mobilizing Knowledge on Gender Based Violence)Research Interests / Specializations: The health and social service sector response to gender-based violence, interventions to reduce health inequities, and the science of knowledge mobilization, with a focus on partnerships to enhance the use of research in policy and practice

Danielle Way
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: I study plant physiological responses to high temperatures and changes in CO2 concentration, with the goal of determining the mechanisms underpinning plant responses to climate change and the implications of these responses for ecosystems.

Marnie Wedlake
Assistant Professor & Registered Psychotherapist, School of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Non-Biomed/Diagnostic Mental Health & Wellbeing; Qualitative Research; Philosophical Foundations of Qualitative Research; Knowledge Mobilization as Activism in Mental Health

Andrew Wenaus
Assistant Professor, Department of English and Writing Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Digital Literature, Chaos Theory and Literature, Information Theory and Literature, Experimental Literature, Algorithmic Culture, Neurototalitarianism, Digital Psychopolitics, Modernism, Culture and Data, Media Theory, Critical Theory and Philosophy, Complex Adaptive Systems and Cultural Narratives

Geoff Wild
Associate Professor, School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences, Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Evolutionary biology, dynamics of natural populations, game theory, mathematical modelling, differential equations and dynamical systems

Hayden Woodley
Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Ivey Business School, Western UniversityResearch Interests / Specializations: Teams; Emergence; Leadership; Individual Differences