Learning CAS
For more information about joining the lab or student placement opportunities, contact caslab@uwo.ca
Learning, Teaching, and Resources
This page features a rigorously curated and regularly updated database of learning and teaching resources that we find particularly helpful as educators and communicators.
Complexity Explained
This dynamic, digital brochure introduces key concepts in complexity, accompanied by numerous examples. Also available as a downloadable booklet.
Map of the Complexity Sciences

This semi-regularly updated timeline by Brian Castellani (Professor of Sociology, Durham University) provides a visual snapshot of the evolution of the complexity sciences over time.
Complexity Explorables

Complexity Explorables by Dirk Brockmann hosts a wide collection of interactive illustration models for complex systems in across disciplines. Includes teaching support aids.
Complexity Theory Course Introduction

A free, introductory course on Complexity Theory by Systems Innovation. "The aim of this course is to give you a solid grasp of key concepts that have emerged out of complexity theory..."
Leverage Points
Likely Dr. Donella H. Meadow's most famous article, Leverage Points is a classic in the canon of introductory texts on systems thinking.
Simulating Natural Selection

The fifth part in a series on evolution by Justin Helps, Simulating Natural Selection uses variable tweaks and high speed simulations to illustrate adaptivity in a changing environment.
Seeing Whole Systems

Nicky Case, the creator of system theory learning games like Loopy and Parable of the Polygons, presents an introductory presentation on complexity theory at the Longnow Foundation.
Writing the Implosion

Joseph Dumit's teaching exercise for "exploring how the world is interconnected one process and thing at a time, how these connections are vitally and politically important, and how this work is inexhaustible."